I appreciate all of your comments. Yes Freddo I'd be willing to pay quite a bit for that magic bullet lol.
SBF that's a very good question and to the point. I may try it one of these days.
Silentbuddha wow your situation was similar to mine. I'm being patient with her and have been as loving as I can. Separation has been her biggest fear but I try as hard as I can to show her thats not my intention.
Scratchme1010 those are excellent ideas to consider. She does have a few long time friendships that I'm sure she's afraid of losing.
Thank you Phoebe for relating your experience. I'm hoping that little by little it also starts to come together for her.
To the rest. I am making a big effort on baby steps and not rushing it. She has to wake up on her own. She does fear losing Jehovah's approval. That's big as it was for all of us. I'm just thinking of what would be the best tidbits to give her any chance I get.